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RS Architecture + Design Studio

You Dream. We design. Together we build the future!

Vacation Houses at Scroponeri of Evoia – Greece

European Architectural Competition - organized by DOMES Architectural Magazine and GEK TERNA Group

The development of seventy vacation homes located eighty miles north of Athens, sited on a Boetianhillside on the shores of a protected bay facing the island of Evoia, offered the challenge of a natural landscape that had to be excavated, buttressed, paved, re-cast, sowed and planted with buildings and orchards to create an artificial landscape. The proposal consisted of a master plan as well as the design of 3 prototypical residences.

The strategy for a terraced scheme, was organized on pedestrian circulation patterns intersecting at communal facilities. The residences, made of pre-fabricated room-units mounted on site retaining walls, were conceived as garden pavilions, without clear property demarcation and with the possibility of easy expansion. The resulting wall and home designs, hamlet and greater settlement masterplans were experiments in balancing control and random growth in a process that remained always open-ended yet organized alongside meaningful routes.

Collaboration RS Architecture + Design Studio with Drifting City Office.

Drifting City Project 

Domes Architectures Site

Invest In Greece
Published on 30 May 2016
Discover Scorponeri – Where the Mountain meets the Sea.

Only an hour away from Athens and at the tip of Euboea – Scorponeri was a hidden paradise for many generations. Finally, in the past few years, touristic developments have been made: and now the beauty and authentic Greek culture of Scorponeri and the surrounding area can be shared with anyone that wishes to visit!

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Vacation Villas


RS Architecture
Drifting City
Konstantina Koukouzi




House Area 60-110m2


Evoia, Greece
